2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince

2017 Olive Picking - 2 10.12 - 24.12.2017 Matematik Köyü Şirince


IZMIR, SELÇUK, ŞİRİNCE   10 Aralık 2017 - 24 Aralık 2017

Nesin Vakfı'na bağlı Matematik Köyü'nde zeytin hasat mevsiminde yaptığımız 3 kampın ve 2017 kamplarımızın son kampı olan bu kampa 9 ülkeden 11 gönüllü katıldı. Kamp liderliğini bundan önceki 2 kampın da liderliğini üstlenen Fehime Pehlivan yaptı.


Cristina Rogado diyor ki: (06 Şubat 2018)

I loved the experience in Turkey, it was very intense, but during the trip and camp work there were several problems. The language and culture sometimes were a big wall. There was a constant lack of organization and coordination between the people that gave us instructions. Although i loved the time spent working in picking olives, there were some serious security problems. There was a day that could had happen a tragedy, when the camp leader sent us to a very dangerous place, where several volunteers were is risk of falling from the hill. Some of us were stuck without could go down or up. The information the volunteers had about the conditions in the field didn´t mentioned the kind of heights and proclivity we found. Some volunteers even didn´t had proper footwear and clothes to work and, at least, one of them was afraid of heights. In that particular area, the ground was very dry and covered with dry leafs and our shoes simply had no grip. So, several times, our feet started to slide down the hill that was almost vertical. If someone should fall wouldn't survive. It was a big gruesomeness, terror during some long minutes, before we had help from the turkish workers. At night we discussed about what happend with the coordinator of the camp and the next day we went to fields with less proclivity, like in the start of the camp work. I felt there was a lack of empathy and involvement, a coldness, an indifference towards the volunteers. With more empathy and coordination from the turkish side, the volunteers could have helped more, because they were extremely dedicated. The camp leader, although still "fresh" and "green" in the job, had no fault about what happend that day and about the lack of coordination. She told us what she was told and she had an amazing good will to try to do everything. She is very energetic and undertaker. Despite the less positive aspects, Math's Village is an amazing place and i'm grateful for the opportunity and i wouldn't hesitate to return.

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